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Use Notch Filter


The notch filter allow to remove a band of frequencies from an input signal.

notch filter bode plot notch filter bode plot


Here, the transfer function representation of the notch filter:

\[H(s) = \dfrac{s^2 + (2 \pi f_0)^2}{s^2 + 2 \pi \Delta f .s + (2 \pi f_0)^2}\]


  • \(f_0\) is the notch frequency,

  • \(\Delta f\) is the bandwidth of the filter.


Using the \(z\)-transform we get the following form:

\[ \begin{align} H(z^{-1}) = \dfrac{b_0 + b_1.z^{-1} + b_2.z^{-2}}{ a_0 + a_1.z^{-1}+ a_2.z^{-2}} \\ \\ H(z) = \dfrac{b_0.z^2 + b_1.z^{1} + b_2}{ a_0.z^2 + a_1.z^{1}+ a_2} \\ \\ \end{align} \]

As there's a direct relation between \(z^{-1}\) and \(q^{-1}\) the delay operator, we can write the reccuring equations we will use in the code.

\[ out_k = b_0 . in_k + b_1 . in_{k-1} + b_2 . in_{k-2} - a_1 . out_{k-1} - a_2 . out_{k-2}. \]


\[ \begin{align} b_0 &= \dfrac{1}{1+ \pi . \Delta f . T_s} \\ \\ b_1 &= -2 . b_0 .\cos(2\pi.f_0.T_s) \\ \\ b_2 &= b_0 \\ \\ a_1 &= b_1 \\ \\ a_2 &= 2 b_0 - 1 \end{align} \]

Use of the NotchFilter object.

3 steps to use the notchfilter.

    #include "filters.h"

    const float32_t f0 = 50.0;               // notch frequency [Hz]
    const float32_t bandwidth = 5.0;         // notch bandwidth [Hz]
    const float32_t Ts = 100e-6;              // sampling time [s]
    myfilter = NotchFilter(Ts, f0, bandwidth);

Before to run, we advise to reset the filter, in the setup_routine() of the OwnTech Power API.


In the loop_critical_task() you can call the method calculateWithReturn().

signal_filtered = myfilter.calculateWithReturn(signal_to_filter);

It returns the data filtered.


Remind that the loop_critical_task() is called at the sampling time you define and must be equal to \(T_s\).