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Class Pr

ClassList > Pr

Inherits the following classes: Controller

Public Functions

Type Name
Pr ()
virtual void calculate (void)
calculate a new command value according to a reference fixed using set_reference method and a measuremnt fixed usingset_measurement .
virtual int8_t init (PrParams parameters)
initialize the controller.
virtual void reset (void)
calculate a new command value according the argument values

Public Functions inherited from Controller

See Controller

Type Name
virtual void calculate (void) = 0
calculate a new command value according to a reference fixed using setReference method and a measuremnt fixed usingsetMeasurement .
virtual outputs_T calculateWithReturn (refs_T yref, meas_T y)
calculate a new command value according the argument values
virtual outputs_T getOutput ()
retrieve the last command value calculated.
virtual int8_t init (params_T parameters) = 0
initialize the controller.
virtual void reset (void) = 0
reset internal states and the last command of the controller.
virtual outputs_T saturate (outputs_T u)
limit the argument u betweenupper_bound andlower_bound it is called by thecalculate method.
virtual void setMeasurement (meas_T measure)
capture a new measurement.
virtual void setReference (refs_T reference)
capture a new reference.

Protected Attributes inherited from Controller

See Controller

Type Name
float32_t _Ts
outputs_T _lower_bound
meas_T _measure
outputs_T _output
refs_T _reference
outputs_T _upper_bound

Public Functions Documentation

function Pr

inline Pr::Pr () 

function calculate

calculate a new command value according to a reference fixed using set_reference method and a measuremnt fixed usingset_measurement .

virtual void Pr::calculate (

The new command value can be captured using the get_output method.

Implements Controller::calculate

function init

initialize the controller.

virtual int8_t Pr::init (
    PrParams parameters


  • parameters


0 if ok -EINVAL else.

Implements Controller::init

function reset

calculate a new command value according the argument values

virtual void Pr::reset (


  • yrefs reference
  • y measure


new command value.

Implements Controller::reset

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file docs/controlLibrary/src/pr.h