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Struct timer_config_t

ClassList > timer_config_t


  • #include <timer.h>

Public Attributes

Type Name
uint32_t timer_enable_encoder
uint32_t timer_enable_irq
pin_mode_t timer_enc_pin_mode
timer_callback_t timer_irq_callback
uint32_t timer_irq_t_usec

Detailed Description

timer_enable_irq : set to 1 to enable interrupt on timer overflow. timer_enable_encoder : set to 1 for timer to act as an incremental coder counter.

*** IRQ mode (ignored if timer_enable_irq=0) *** * timer_irq_callback : pointer to a void(void) function that will be called on timer overflow. * timer_irq_t_usec : period of the interrupt in microsecond (2 to 6553 µs)

*** Incremental code mode (ignored if timer_enable_encoder=0) *** * timer_pin_mode : Pin mode for incremental coder interface.

NOTE: At this time, only irq mode is supported on TIM6/TIM7, and only incremental coder mode is suppported on TIM4, which makes this configuration structure almost pointless (except for callback definition). However, it is built this way with future evolutions of the driver in mind.

Public Attributes Documentation

variable timer_enable_encoder

uint32_t timer_config_t::timer_enable_encoder;

variable timer_enable_irq

uint32_t timer_config_t::timer_enable_irq;

variable timer_enc_pin_mode

pin_mode_t timer_config_t::timer_enc_pin_mode;

variable timer_irq_callback

timer_callback_t timer_config_t::timer_irq_callback;

variable timer_irq_t_usec

uint32_t timer_config_t::timer_irq_t_usec;

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file docs/core/zephyr/modules/owntech_timer_driver/zephyr/public_api/timer.h