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Class TwistAPI

ClassList > TwistAPI

Public Functions

Type Name
void initAllBoost ()
Initialise all the legs for boost topology, current mode is not supported for boost.
void initAllBuck (hrtim_pwm_mode_t leg_mode=VOLTAGE_MODE)
Initialise all the legs for buck topology.
void initAllMode (hrtim_switch_convention_t leg_convention, hrtim_pwm_mode_t leg_mode)
Initialize power modes for all legs.
void initLegBoost (leg_t leg)
Initialise all the legs for boost topology, current mode is not supported for boost.
void initLegBuck (leg_t leg, hrtim_pwm_mode_t leg_mode=VOLTAGE_MODE)
Initialise a leg for buck topology.
void initLegMode (leg_t leg, hrtim_switch_convention_t leg_convention, hrtim_pwm_mode_t leg_mode)
Initialize the power mode for a given leg.
void setAllAdcDecim (uint16_t adc_decim)
set ADC decimator for all legs
void setAllDeadTime (uint16_t ns_rising_dt, uint16_t ns_falling_dt)
set the dead time value for all legs
void setAllDutyCycle (float32_t duty_all)
Set the duty cycle for power control of all the legs.
void setAllPhaseShift (int16_t phase_shift)
Set the phase shift value for all the legs.
void setAllSlopeCompensation (float32_t set_voltage, float32_t reset_voltage)
Set the slope compensation in current mode for all the leg.
void setAllTriggerValue (float32_t trigger_value)
Set the trigger value for the ADC trigger of all the legs.
void setLegAdcDecim (leg_t leg, uint16_t adc_decim)
set ADC decimator for a leg
void setLegDeadTime (leg_t leg, uint16_t ns_rising_dt, uint16_t ns_falling_dt)
set the dead time value for a leg
void setLegDutyCycle (leg_t leg, float32_t duty_leg)
Set the duty cycle for a specific leg's power control.
void setLegPhaseShift (leg_t leg, int16_t phase_shift)
Set the phase shift value for a specific leg's power control.
void setLegSlopeCompensation (leg_t leg, float32_t set_voltage, float32_t reset_voltage)
Set the slope compensation in current mode for a leg.
void setLegTriggerValue (leg_t leg, float32_t trigger_value)
Set the trigger value for a specific leg's ADC trigger.
void setVersion (twist_version_t twist_ver)
Set the hardware version of the board.
void startAll ()
Start power output for all legs.
void startLeg (leg_t leg)
Start power output for a specific leg.
void stopAll ()
Stop power output for all legs.
void stopLeg (leg_t leg)
Stop power output for a specific leg.

Public Functions Documentation

function initAllBoost

void TwistAPI::initAllBoost () 

function initAllBuck

Initialise all the legs for buck topology.

void TwistAPI::initAllBuck (
    hrtim_pwm_mode_t leg_mode=VOLTAGE_MODE


  • leg_mode PWM mode - VOLTAGE_MODE or CURRENT_MODE

function initAllMode

Initialize power modes for all legs.

void TwistAPI::initAllMode (
    hrtim_switch_convention_t leg_convention,
    hrtim_pwm_mode_t leg_mode

This function initializes the power modes for each leg with the specified 'buck' and 'voltage_mode' settings.


  • leg_convention PWM Switch to be driven by the duty cycle. The other will be complementary - PWMx1 or PWMx2
  • leg_mode PWM mode - VOLTAGE_MODE or CURRENT_MODE

function initLegBoost

Initialise all the legs for boost topology, current mode is not supported for boost.

void TwistAPI::initLegBoost (
    leg_t leg


  • leg Leg to initialize

function initLegBuck

Initialise a leg for buck topology.

void TwistAPI::initLegBuck (
    leg_t leg,
    hrtim_pwm_mode_t leg_mode=VOLTAGE_MODE


  • leg Leg to initialize
  • leg_mode PWM mode - VOLTAGE_MODE or CURRENT_MODE

function initLegMode

Initialize the power mode for a given leg.

void TwistAPI::initLegMode (
    leg_t leg,
    hrtim_switch_convention_t leg_convention,
    hrtim_pwm_mode_t leg_mode

This function configures modulation, frequency, phase shift, dead time, and other parameters for power control of a specified leg.


  • leg The leg to initialize
  • leg_convention PWM Switch to be driven by the duty cycle. The other will be complementary - PWMx1 or PWMx2
  • leg_mode PWM mode - VOLTAGE_MODE or CURRENT_MODE

function setAllAdcDecim

set ADC decimator for all legs

void TwistAPI::setAllAdcDecim (
    uint16_t adc_decim

this function sets the number of event which will be ignored between two events. ie. you divide the number of trigger in a fixed period. For example if adc_decim = 1, nothing changes but with adc_decims = 2 you have twice less adc trigger.


  • adc_decim - adc decimator, a number between 1 and 32

function setAllDeadTime

set the dead time value for all legs

void TwistAPI::setAllDeadTime (
    uint16_t ns_rising_dt,
    uint16_t ns_falling_dt


  • ns_rising_dt - rising dead time value in ns
  • ns_falling_dt - falling dead time value in ns

function setAllDutyCycle

Set the duty cycle for power control of all the legs.

void TwistAPI::setAllDutyCycle (
    float32_t duty_all

This function sets the same duty cycle for power control of all the legs. The duty cycle determines the ON/OFF ratio of the power signal for all legs.


  • duty_all The duty cycle value to set (a floating-point number between 0.1 and 0.9).

function setAllPhaseShift

Set the phase shift value for all the legs.

void TwistAPI::setAllPhaseShift (
    int16_t phase_shift


  • phase_shift The phase shift value to set.

function setAllSlopeCompensation

Set the slope compensation in current mode for all the leg.

void TwistAPI::setAllSlopeCompensation (
    float32_t set_voltage,
    float32_t reset_voltage


  • set_voltage in volt, the DAC peak voltage for slope compensation (value between 0 and 2.048)
  • reset_voltage in volt, the DAC lowest voltage for slope compensation (value between 0 and 2.048)


Be sure that set_voltage > reset_voltage

function setAllTriggerValue

Set the trigger value for the ADC trigger of all the legs.

void TwistAPI::setAllTriggerValue (
    float32_t trigger_value

This function sets the same trigger value for the ADC trigger of all the legs. The trigger value determines the level at which the ADC trigger is activated for all legs.


  • trigger_value The trigger value to set for all the legs between 0.0 and 1.0.

function setLegAdcDecim

set ADC decimator for a leg

void TwistAPI::setLegAdcDecim (
    leg_t leg,
    uint16_t adc_decim

this function sets the number of event which will be ignored between two events. ie. you divide the number of trigger in a fixed period. For example if adc_decim = 1, nothing changes but with adc_decims = 2 you have twice less adc trigger.


  • leg - leg for which to set adc decimator value
  • adc_decim - adc decimator, a number between 1 and 32

function setLegDeadTime

set the dead time value for a leg

void TwistAPI::setLegDeadTime (
    leg_t leg,
    uint16_t ns_rising_dt,
    uint16_t ns_falling_dt


  • leg - the leg for which to set dead time value
  • ns_rising_dt - rising dead time value in ns
  • ns_falling_dt - falling dead time value in ns

function setLegDutyCycle

Set the duty cycle for a specific leg's power control.

void TwistAPI::setLegDutyCycle (
    leg_t leg,
    float32_t duty_leg

This function sets the duty cycle for the power control of a specified leg. The duty cycle determines the ON/OFF ratio of the power signal for the leg.


  • leg The leg for which to set the duty cycle.
  • duty_leg The duty cycle value to set (a floating-point number between 0.1 and 0.9).

function setLegPhaseShift

Set the phase shift value for a specific leg's power control.

void TwistAPI::setLegPhaseShift (
    leg_t leg,
    int16_t phase_shift


  • leg The leg for which to set the phase shift value.
  • phase_shift The phase shift value to set.

function setLegSlopeCompensation

Set the slope compensation in current mode for a leg.

void TwistAPI::setLegSlopeCompensation (
    leg_t leg,
    float32_t set_voltage,
    float32_t reset_voltage


  • leg The leg to initialize
  • set_voltage in volt, the DAC peak voltage for slope compensation (value between 0 and 2.048)
  • reset_voltage in volt, the DAC lowest voltage for slope compensation (value between 0 and 2.048)


Be sure that set_voltage > reset_voltage

function setLegTriggerValue

Set the trigger value for a specific leg's ADC trigger.

void TwistAPI::setLegTriggerValue (
    leg_t leg,
    float32_t trigger_value

This function sets the trigger value for the ADC trigger of a specified leg. The trigger value determines the level at which the ADC trigger is activated.


  • leg The leg for which to set the ADC trigger value.
  • trigger_value The trigger value to set between 0.05 and 0.95.

function setVersion

Set the hardware version of the board.

void TwistAPI::setVersion (
    twist_version_t twist_ver


  • shield shield version - shield_TWIST_V1_2, shield_TWIST_V1_3, shield_ownverter or shield_other


You need to call this function BEFORE initializing a leg, after that it is not possible to change the shield version

function startAll

void TwistAPI::startAll () 

function startLeg

Start power output for a specific leg.

void TwistAPI::startLeg (
    leg_t leg

This function initiates the power output for a specified leg by starting the PWM subunits associated with the leg's output pins. If the leg's output pins are not declared inactive in the device tree, the corresponding subunits are started. eg. If output1 is declared inactive in the device tree, PWMA1 will not start


  • leg The leg for which to start the power output.

function stopAll

void TwistAPI::stopAll () 

function stopLeg

Stop power output for a specific leg.

void TwistAPI::stopLeg (
    leg_t leg


  • leg The leg for which to stop the power output.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file docs/core/zephyr/modules/owntech_power_api/zephyr/public_api/TwistAPI.h