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Class SpinAPI

ClassList > SpinAPI

Contains all the elements linked to peripherals of the spin board.

  • #include <SpinAPI.h>

Public Attributes

Type Name
AdcHAL adc
Contains all the function of the STM32 ADC including configuration and synchronization with the HRTIM.
CompHAL comp
Contains all the function of the STM32 comparator used with the current mode.
DacHAL dac
Contains all the function of the STM32 DAC used to generate signals and handle the current mode.
GpioHAL gpio
Contains all the functions for the spin gpio.
LedHAL led
Contains all the function of the embedded LED.
NgndHAL ngnd
Contains all the function of the NGND switch compatible with TWISTs prior to 1.4.
PwmHAL pwm
Contains all the function of the STM32 hrtim PWM generator.
TimerHAL timer
Contains all the function of the STM32 Timer4 functions that handle the encoder.
UartHAL uart
Contains all the function of the STM32 Usart1 functions.
VersionHAL version
Contains all the function related to the versioning of the microcontroller boards.

Public Attributes Documentation

variable adc

Contains all the function of the STM32 ADC including configuration and synchronization with the HRTIM.

AdcHAL SpinAPI::adc;

variable comp

Contains all the function of the STM32 comparator used with the current mode.

CompHAL SpinAPI::comp;

variable dac

Contains all the function of the STM32 DAC used to generate signals and handle the current mode.

DacHAL SpinAPI::dac;

variable gpio

Contains all the functions for the spin gpio.

GpioHAL SpinAPI::gpio;

variable led

Contains all the function of the embedded LED.

LedHAL SpinAPI::led;

variable ngnd

Contains all the function of the NGND switch compatible with TWISTs prior to 1.4.

NgndHAL SpinAPI::ngnd;

variable pwm

Contains all the function of the STM32 hrtim PWM generator.

PwmHAL SpinAPI::pwm;

variable timer

Contains all the function of the STM32 Timer4 functions that handle the encoder.

TimerHAL SpinAPI::timer;

variable uart

Contains all the function of the STM32 Usart1 functions.

UartHAL SpinAPI::uart;

variable version

Contains all the function related to the versioning of the microcontroller boards.

VersionHAL SpinAPI::version;

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file docs/core/zephyr/modules/owntech_spin_api/zephyr/public_api/SpinAPI.h