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Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:

  • class Controller Controller interface for various inherited class like pid, rst, pr,...
  • class Fir a class to implement the Finite Impulse Response filter behaviour
  • class LowPassFirstOrderFilter
  • class NotchFilter
  • class Pid Pid in a standard form taking into account saturation.
  • class PidParams all parameters of a standard pid
  • class PllDatas datas returned by pll calculations
  • class PllSinus
  • class Pr
  • class PrParams all parameters to define the proportional resonant controller.
  • class RST discrete polynomial regulator taking into account saturations.
  • class RstParams
  • class Transform static class to group methods helping translation between reference frames
  • struct clarke_t to keep together α, β and o values.
  • struct dqo_t to keep together d, q and o values.
  • struct three_phase_t to keep together a,b and c phase values.