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Class TimerHAL

ClassList > TimerHAL

Handles timer 4 for the SPIN board. More...

  • #include <TimerHAL.h>

Public Functions

Type Name
uint32_t getTimer4IncrementalEncoderValue ()
Gets the encoder step value.
void startLogTimer4IncrementalEncoder ()
Launches the timer4 which is adapted for reading an encoder.

Detailed Description


Use this element to initialize timer 4 and use it with an incremental encoder

Public Functions Documentation

function getTimer4IncrementalEncoderValue

Gets the encoder step value.

uint32_t TimerHAL::getTimer4IncrementalEncoderValue () 


An uint32 value of the counter which corresponds to the step of the system.

function startLogTimer4IncrementalEncoder

Launches the timer4 which is adapted for reading an encoder.

void TimerHAL::startLogTimer4IncrementalEncoder () 

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file docs/core/zephyr/modules/owntech_spin_api/zephyr/src/TimerHAL.h