Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
- class AnalogCommunication
- class CanCommunication
- class CommunicationAPI
- class CompHAL Handles comparator 1 and 3 of the SPIN board.
- class DacHAL
- class DataAPI
- class GpioHAL
- class LedHAL
- class NgndHAL
- class PowerAPI
- class PwmHAL Handles all pwm signals for the spin board.
- class Rs485Communication
- class SafetyAPI
- class SensorsAPI
- union int2float
- struct sensor_dt_data_t
- class ShieldAPI
- class SpinAPI Contains all the elements linked to peripherals of the spin board.
- class SyncCommunication
- class TaskAPI
- class TimerHAL Handles timer 4 for the SPIN board.
- class UartHAL Handles usart 1 for the SPIN board.
- struct adc_hrtim_conf_t Structure containing information to setup adc events, adc source links and adc triggers.
- struct comp_usage_conf_t Structure containing the status of the usage of comparators and their values.
- struct dac_driver_api
- struct dac_function_config_t
- struct dma_user_data_t
- struct gpio_conf_t Structure containing all the information of the gpio linked to a given timing unit.
- struct phase_shift_conf_t Structure containing all the data regarding phase shifting for a given timing unit.
- struct pwm_conf_t Structure containing all the data regarding the pwm of a given timing unit.
- struct sensor_info_t
- struct switch_conv_conf_t Structure describing the switching convention of a given timing unit.
- struct timer_config_t
- struct timer_driver_api
- struct timer_hrtim_t Timinig unit configuration - aggregates all the structures.